England & Wales
His Majesty’s Land Registry is a non-ministerial department of HM’s Government, created in 1862 to register the ownership of land and property in England and Wales. It reports to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
Within England and Wales, HMLR responsibilities are to provide:
- A reliable record of information about ownership of and interests affecting land and property
- owners with a land title, guaranteed by the government
- A title plan that indicates general boundaries
- They do not provide legal advice on precise boundary positions and responsibilities.
English language 0300 006 0411
Welsh language 0300 006 0422
Land Registry Specialist
Land Register of Scotland
Registers of Scotland (RoS) keeps public registers of land, property, and other legal documents in Scotland.
A land register is a publicly accessible register of property rights. Most, like the Registers of Scotland, are underpinned by state guarantee.
It is considered beneficial to government, citizens and the economy.
Land registration offers certainty of title to property owners, potential purchasers and lenders.
With a land register, you can prove ownership of what you are selling or borrowing against.
Registers of Scotland land register:
- is easier to search
- identifies property on the Ordnance Survey Map
- gives clarity of what rights benefit and burdens affect properties
- gives businesses confidence to lend against or invest in property
0800 169 9391
Northern Ireland
Land & Property Services (LPS)
Land Registry is a record of land, houses and properties registered in Northern Ireland. Land & Property Services (LPS) is responsible for the registry. To check if land is registered, you can search the registry in LPS offices.
How to search the Land & Property Services (LPS)
Land & Property Services keep the Land Registry for Northern Ireland. They can help you search for land registered on the LR map. You’ll need the postal address to find a property or land. If you aren’t sure about an exact address, it’s helpful to bring a map showing nearby landmarks and road names.
Property is registered with Land Registry
If the land is registered, you’ll see folio detail and find out:
- current registered owner
- any rights or charges that affect the folio
You can also see previous owners, rights and charges from the date the property was first registered with Land Registry.
If your search shows the land is unregistered, there will be no information in Land Registry records. You will need to search the Registry of Deeds (ROD) records.
Registry of Deeds
You can search ROD records from 1 January 1990 in LPS offices. The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) keeps all earlier records.
0300 200 7803