What Makes a plan Land Registry Compliant?

In creating a Land Registry Compliant Plan we make sure it follows the guidelines as stated in Supplement 2 of the Land Registry Practice Guide 40. Such things as:-

  • Accurately drawn and to a stated scale (1:1250 – 1:500 for urban properties and 1:2500 for rural properties)
  • Showing its orientation (a north arrow)
  • Showing sufficient detail to be identified on the Ordnance Survey plan
  • Showing the whole of the property including any garage, garden ground or bin store etc.
  • Showing buildings in their correct (or intended) position
  • Marking land and property clearly (for example by edging, colouring and hatching)

In terms of leases plans and unusual extents of land:-

  • Showing where the property falls in relation to the external footprint of the building and/or in relation to surrounding detail which is shown on the Ordnance Survey map.
  • Showing the extent at each floor level, if necessary by using separate plans
  • For subsoil or airspace, shows the levels between the land falls or relates to Ordnance Survey Datum.
  • Showing intricate boundaries such as internal divisions in a building.

Ways of Getting in Touch


01226 885040




07543 434048

Popular Services

Lease Plans

Our lease plans are Land Registry Compliant and are produced through our own professional measured survey or by plans supplied by you.

Title Plans

Title plans prepared by Towers Richardson are Land Registry Compliant and are produced through plans supplied from you, either a current Title plan, Architectural drawings or even Google maps.

Transfer Plans

Whether you are splitting your Title or gifting a strip of land, our Land Registry Compliant Transfer plans are perfect for you.

Site Plans

We can help in the preparation of Land Registry Compliant plans for small two properties sites to large estates.

Floor Plans

Floor plans come in different forms and we can produce them all. Either being estate agents marketing plans to student accommodation layouts.

Measured Surveys

Along with our CAD drafting studio we also offer professional measured surveys making a one stop shop.

Contact us now

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Towers Richardson

Land Registry Plan Specialist


01226 885040




07543 434048